Serial Port
The SuperPET has a built-in RS-232 serial port based on the 6551 ACIA. It is located at $EFF0 in memory and is accessible from both 6502 and 6809 mode.
Doug Staley preserved this WATCOM manual and the assembly listings from it:
The SuperPET Serial Port (PDF, 47 pages) – Hardware information, ACIA programming details, and example programs in both Waterloo microBASIC and Waterloo 6809 Assembler.
Assembly Listings (ZIP) – Waterloo 6809 Assembler files from the manual.
Michael Cook found this copy of COM-MASTER, a commercial terminal package for the SuperPET in 6809 mode. It was written by Dan Jeffers (Quality Data Services) and distributed by ISPUG.
COM-MASTER Screenshot (VICE emulator)
COM-MASTER User’s Guide
COM-MASTER Disk (8050 Format)More terminals can be found on the SuperPET software page.