Speaking at OSCON 2008

  • Posted by Mike Naberezny in PHP,Python,Testing

    The OSCON 2008 website has published its talk schedule. I’ll be giving two talks at OSCON this year; one on the Python track and one on the PHP track.

    Supervisor as a Platform

    I will quickly introduce you to Supervisor and the immediate benefits of running your server processes under it. We will then dive into how applications written specifically for Supervisor can take advantage of it as a platform — writing your own event listeners to observe Supervisor and the process lifecycle, controlling with XML-RPC, and extending the Supervisor core with your own Python extensions.

    This will be an expanded version of the talk given at PyCon 2008. Since PyCon, there’s been quite a few interesting developments in Supervisor like the ability to extend supervisorctl and progress made on configuration reloading. We’ll touch on these as well, so if you attended the PyCon talk there will still be new and interesting material in this talk for you.

    Integration Testing PHP Applications

    While more PHP developers are recognizing the importance and benefits of unit testing, the uptake of PHP developers using automated integration or acceptance testing is relatively slow. This testing is equally crucial to maintaining the integrity of applications.

    I’m going to help get you started testing at the application level with practical tips and source code. We’ll look at how to structure your HTML markup so it’s more easily testable, making tests easier to write and maintain with CSS selectors, organizing your tests, and testing with or without a browser.

    I’d also suggest you check out Sebastian Bergmann’s tutorial session on PHPUnit’s integration with Selenium RC.