Horde/Yaml 1.0 Released

  • Posted by Mike Naberezny in PHP

    Horde/Yaml is a PHP 5 library for easily working with YAML data. This is the package’s first stable release.

    Chuck Hagenbuch started the library as an adaptation of Spyc around six months ago. Since then, he and I have been quietly using and improving it. Along the way, we fixed many issues, added support for pecl/syck, and wrote a test suite with PHPUnit.

    There are a couple of other libraries also derived from Spyc, notably the sfYaml class from the Symfony framework. Since these efforts also found and corrected issues, we incorporated as many of these fixes as we could find and added them to the test suite as we went along.

    At work, we frequently use YAML files for configuring our custom applications because our clients tend to like the format more than the alternatives. We’ve been using Horde/Yaml successfully for quite some time so we think it should generally work well for you also.

    There’s a nice tutorial on working with YAML in PHP 5 over on the new Rails for PHP Developers website. It includes everything you need to get started with Horde/Yaml.