Zend Framework 0.1.2 Released!

  • Posted by Mike Naberezny in PHP

    I’ve just rolled out Preview Release 0.1.2 of the Zend Framework, less than a week since its initial release. We’ve received many great emails and there is now quite a growing community on the mailing list. Thanks to all that are participating by sending in bug reports and feature requests. We’re also excited that several community members have already stepped up and are working on new contributions for the framework. We’ve even begun receiving translations for the documentation.

    In addition to the new community participation, several of our commercial partner companies are working on refining existing code and preparing new components. I hope that the next preview will also include some of this new work, as well as promoting Zend_Search_Lucene from the incubator.

    Preview Release 0.1.2 includes bug fixes, the unit test suite, and additional documentation. Please see the changelog below. The new version can be downloaded from here: http://framework.zend.com/.

    We hope that new releases will become a very frequent event and I encourage you to get involved on the mailing list and send your feedback.

    Zend Framework                                                 NEWS
    =RELEASE 0.1.2 / 8-Mar-2006=
    - Unit test suite is now included. (Mike)
    - Docs for Zend_Controller are now included. (Mike)
    - Coding standards were out of date. Reported by Steph Fox. (Mike)
    - Fixed default charset in Zend_Mail constructor.
      Reported by Jakob Buchgraber. (Mike)
    - Fixed several Zend_Filter methods. (Chris)
    - Fixed JSON datum encoding.  Reported by Edwin Vlieg. (Mike)
    - Fixed FormRadio Helper.  Reported by AJ Tarachanowicz. (Chris)
    - Fixed Zend_Uri_Http to work with new Zend_Filter. (Chris, Mike)
    - Docs for the Zend_Db::factory() method were incorrect.
      Reported by Dinh. (Chris)
    - Zend::loadClass() now works inside __autoload().
      Reported by Rob Allen. (Mike)
    - Fixed notices from Zend_Pdf_Element_Dictionary.
      Reported by Ralf Eggert. (Alex)
    - Fixed notices from Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_SegmentWriter.
      Reported by Jared Williams. (Alex)
    - Removed defunct Zend_Db_DataObject docs. (Mike)
    - Added NEWS.txt file (Andi)